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The Cost of Eating Healthy

A trip to your local grocery store just got more stressful. We keep hearing about inflation and the rise in everyday prices or depending on who you listen to too, prices that are trending better. The bottom line is, $20 of groceries gets you next to nothing nowadays. Eating healthy has never been more expensive and grocery shopping in general is causing undue financial hardship for many. What is behind this significant rise?

Additionally, what is behind the never-ending list of foods and grocery products being recalled? How can a wealthy modern society be plagued with poverty and safety conditions impacting its food chain/sources?

The Questions

Some analysts have pointed the blame of inflation on the pandemic. Although the pandemic has been deemed over, prices on some basic items have gotten worse. There are a myriad of reasons that have been given from global supply chain issues, greed from manufacturers to natural causes from environmental impacts. However, there has been little discussion on how to solve the issue of high food costs or unsafe food hazards.

Food in our society is not just plagued with high prices but also unsafe additives. Additives can be found both in fresh produce and processed food items. Additionally, there has been a disturbing trend of more recalled foods on the market. The resounding question remains with the recent unsettling trend of many foods being recalled or tainted such as the recent listeria outbreak with deli meats, what is the ultimate price to eat healthy in today’s society?

There are two dueling issues at play. One issue is the rising costs causing many families and individuals to cut back on grocery expenses, making way for more unhealthy eating. Fast-food chains then prey on this behavior to attract consumers with their apps and deals. The second issue is the eye-opening reality that the way food is treated in this country, both fresh and processed, is not always done in a way where the consumer’s health and safety take precedence over profits.

An example is the use of harmful dyes such as Red 40, Yellow 5, and 6. These dyes, and others, can link to toxins that are harmful to humans and can also include cancer causing contaminants. Unnecessary additives like the mentioned dyes can be found in everything from medicine to food and as more studies are now being done, new discoveries show that they may be bringing about more risk for people. Similarly, our food packaging such as bottled water can contain toxins that expose us to plastic not properly regulated. A recent study also pointed to concerns regarding baby food and formula, that is already on store shelves, containing heavy metals.

The Possibilities

The food industry has been unchecked and without any penalties or incentives not to overcharge its consumers. At the height of the pandemic, some consumer staples such as eggs were as high as $6.00 or more depending on where you lived. Instead of things shifting for the better, products became smaller, and prices soared even long after the global pandemic.

Big box companies and food manufacturers continue to take advantage of consumers by charging more for less and increasingly cutting corners when it comes to food safety and responsibility. A famous cereal company CEO suggested that families should eat breakfast cereal for dinner to alleviate the inflated costs of cooking home meals. It is callous remarks such as this that shed light on the disdain big companies have for those who are buying their products including overpriced and unhealthy processed breakfast cereals!

Medical professionals and scientists are actively searching for explanations regarding the rise of diseases such as resistant bacterial infections, viruses, and the rise in cancer rates particularly among young people. We know that additives, dyes, and other miscellaneous items that are listed as food ingredients, particularly in processed foods are not healthy additions.

However, food manufacturers are not held accountable to reduce or omit these products and are still allowed to sell them at unaffordable prices. Organic foods that can often be more expensive have also been previously called out for false advertising and other questionable manufacturing methods. The bottom line is companies may be charging their consumers high prices to purchase items that can severely impact your health and the health of families.

All of this may seem dire; however, we all have the tools to combat the negative outcomes. The rise in food costs is difficult and may encounter more creative shopping methods. Some tips may include shopping at multiple locations by looking for food sales or deals, using consumer or manufacturer coupons, and shopping outside your neighborhood. All food markets are not created equal in the products they sell and in the prices.

In terms of recalled items, it is critical that you stay on top of the news and government cites so you know what items show on the list. Additionally, check food expiration dates when shopping. Some stores may carry items on their shelves that may not be recalled, however, they may be past their sell by date. Overall, this may seem overwhelming, yet by taking the extra time to stay current on what is safe and affordable can save both your life and your loved ones’ as well.


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